Q: Which doctor should i consult for blackheads?
A: One must consult a dermatologist for blackheads.
Q: Can eating fast foods and oily-foods cause blackheads?
A: Yes, recent research has linked certain foods and blackheads. Foods high in glycemic index like sugary snacks, soft drinks and bread have shown to increase sebum secretion. They increase blood sugar levels and hormonal levels of androgen which in turn make sebaceous glands secrete higher amounts of sebum, triggering blackheads formation.
Q: Is it OK to squeeze a blackhead?
A: No, it’s very bad and harmful. Squeezing blackheads will spread oil and bacteria on the skin surface. It will also make it difficult to treat due to increased risks of infection and inflammation.
Q: Can makeup aggravate blackheads?
A: Yes, oil-based makeup can definitely aggravate blackheads. Always look for oil-free, water-based, and non-comedogenic makeup products.
Q: Can i use face products to treat blackheads on chest and back?
A: Yes. Blackheads on body occur for the same reason as clogged facial pores and they tend to happen in the chest and back, where oil glands are most abundant. The same facial products can do the trick on the chest and back.