Bladder Cancer

Bladder Cancer - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who is the doctor who treats bladder cancer?

A: You should consult a urologist. Advanced stage is treated by medical oncologist.


Q: What is metastasis?

A: The process of spreading cancer to other body organs such as bones, liver or lungs is known as metastasis.

Q: How does the grading of cancer help in treatment?

A: High-grade cancer cells have a greater degree of abnormality, when viewed microscopically, in comparison to cells from a low-grade tumor. Besides they are also more invasive. Hence, treatment is based on the grading besides staging.

Q: Is it necessary to go for a second opinion?

A: Urologists are at the fore-front in treating bladder cancer. If the patient does not wish to undergo radical surgery, he or she may choose to consult a radiologist or medical oncologist. The patient may need to find a urologist whom he or she is comfortable with, since this will need a close follow-up and constant monitoring of disease status. The patient must always go for a second opinion.

Q: Is surgery a compulsory option?

A: Treatment is usually tailor-made to suit individuals. The patient must talk to the doctor and understand the treatment (which may include surgery, radiation or chemotherapy) that has been decided for him, its implications and side effects.

Q: What is adjuvant chemotherapy?

A: In this treatment, drugs are administered after surgery to kill the remaining cells or to shrink the tumor to facilitate surgery.

This "adjuvant" chemotherapy is designed to kill any cancer cells remaining after surgery and to increase the chance of a cure.

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