Bladder Diverticulum

Bladder Diverticulum - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for urinary symptoms?

A: You should consult a urologist who will investigate further and treat.


Q: What are the complications of bladder diverticula?

A: Due to chronic urinary stasis within the bladder, patients with bladder diverticula can develop bladder stones and frequent urinary tract infections. Other serious complications include bladder rupture and development of cancer within the diverticulum.

Q: Which imaging method is superior for the diagnosis of bladder diverticula?

A: Voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) is superior in the diagnosis of bladder diverticula. Bladder ultrasound with color doppler enhancement is another useful imaging method since it helps diagnose the defect, identify presence of widening of the far end of the ureters and to distinguish from other conditions having similar clinical features. Finally, the upper urinary tract (kidney and ureters) should be imaged since bladder diverticula can cause hydroureteronephrosis (dilation of ureter and kidney).

Q: Which imaging helps to detect lateral bladder diverticula?

A: Intravenous pyelography (IVP) is particularly useful in the diagnosis of lateral bladder diverticula.

Q: Is robotic surgery superior in diverticula excision?

A: Robotic diverticulectomy has several advantages over conventional open surgery. The minimally invasive approach leads to reduced post-operative discomfort and faster recovery time, and the superior visualization provided by the robotic surgical system also helps in the extensive urinary reconstruction required in the operation, with minimal blood loss and often decreasing the time needed to perform the procedure.

On the flip side, this option may be available only in select centers, needs surgeons skilled in robotic surgery and may be highly expensive.

Q: What are the complications of diverticulectomy surgery?

A: The most serious specific complication of diverticulectomy surgery is an injury to the ureter. Less serious complications include urine leakage within bladder, which may get better on its own if the Foley catheter is maintained for a few days following surgery.

Q: Will surgical removal of the diverticulum relieve the urinary symptoms?

A: The excision of the diverticulum generally improves symptoms caused by that particular lesion, although treatment of the underlying cause (e.g., outlet obstruction) is required to prevent recurrence of additional diverticula in the future.











