
Breast Lumps Screening-FAQs

Q: Which doctor specialist should I see if I need to be screened for a breast lump?

A: Seek an appointment with a General Surgeon or a surgeon who has special interest in breast surgery.


Q: Does preventive surgeries guarantee against breast cancer?

A: No, it does not. It reduces the risks considerably. However, the surgeries cannot completely rule out cancer development.

Q: If I am BRCA positive does that mean I will develop cancer later on?

A: Being BRCA positive does not mean that you will definitely develop cancer. It only puts you at a higher risk and must be treated as a sign of warning.

Q: Are BRCA genes found in everyone?

A: Yes, they are. BRCA genes are tumor suppressor genes and they survey our system for abnormalities. One of the reasons why cancer develops is because these genes undergo mutation.
