Breasts - Structures and Types

Breasts - Structures and Types - Personality

Breast and Personality Types

Discover a woman’s personality by looking at her breast type by using a divination called ‘Sternomancy’.(7 Trusted Source
This Is What the Shape of Your Breasts Reveals About Your Personality

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In Spain in the 18th Century there used to exist a divination to foretell or discover a woman’s personality by looking at her breasts called ‘sternomancy’. It relied on looking at the bumps from breasts to belly. Though not much is known about this art, it is possible that men may have dominated this strange art and this may have been one excuse for them to undress a pretty woman.

This section may not be factual, but has been included to give you some intriguing insights into the minds of people who thought of this concept. It also indicates the pre-occupation with this part of the female anatomy.

In sternomancy, there were the following breast types:

  • Very Curvaceous, Firm and Tight Breasts
  • Round Breasts
  • Pear Shaped Breasts
  • Triangular Breasts
  • Breast like an Egg Plant
  • Breasts with Erect Nipples
  • Breasts with Retracted Nipples

So what would be your personality if you had one of these breast types? Read on if you are interested.

Breast and Personality Types

Very Curvaceous, Firm and Tight Breasts - Were described to be like a spring board i.e. they were ready to pop out. If you have this breast type, you have a keen brain, are hard working but you are unlikely to make it to the top. However you would make a good faithful wife and be good in bed.

Round Breasts - May make you frigid and you may find it difficult to attain orgasm. Usually, very clever you are ready to try different postures in bed and make a good housewife.

Pear Shaped Breasts - You will dominate your man as you are independent and have a strong mind and you are also good in bed and enjoy sex.

Triangular Breasts - You are the liberated one who is beyond the convention and make great actresses or even hookers if you so desire. You can easily have quite a few partners in a day without batting an eyelid.

Breasts that are Tubular or Resembling Egg - plant i.e. Conical – You enjoy life and dominate your man and love to have sex.

Women who have Erect Nipples all the time are the dominating type. They love kinky and oral sex and love to get on top of men. They are usually very generous at heart.

Women with Small, Retracted Nipples - Their mind is always at work and calculating the next move; they play their cards very close to their chest! They seldom tell you what they are thinking. They however can help fulfill their partner’s sex fantasies!

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