Chagas Disease

Chagas Disease - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who treats Chagas disease?

A: Chagas disease is treated by an infectious disease specialist familiar in treating the condition. Complications may require the expertise of a gastroenterologist or cardiologist or a neurologist.


Q: Can the triatomine bug cause any other illness?

A: The saliva of the triatomine bug can cause an allergic reaction resulting in symptoms of redness, itching, swelling and even anaphylactic shock.

Q: Can a pregnant women who is positive for Chagas disease be treated during pregnancy?

A: Treatment with the anti-parasitic medications should be postponed till after the delivery of the baby and completion of breastfeeding.

Q: Is there a vaccine available that I can take before I go to an endemic place to prevent Chagas disease?

A: A vaccine for Chagas disease is not available. If you take adequate precautions as mentioned above, your chances of contracting the disease are extremely low.
