Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is the doctor who treats cold sores?A dermatologist can treat cold sores.
2. Are cold sores contagious?
- Yes cold sores are contagious.
- Cold sores contain the herpes simplex virus and if these virus particles are transferred to others they too can become infected.
3. How to distinguish between cold sores and pimples?
- Cold sores are associated with tingling, itching or burning pain, occasionally accompanied with a mild, flu-like illness. Pimples are tender to touch, but otherwise painless and do not cause a flu-like illness.
- Cold sores present as blisters filled with transparent, thin, yellow-tinged fluid or irregular, red, weeping open sores. Pimples present as tense, solid red bumps filled with opaque, thick, white fluid, which may or may not be visible through the pimple's surface.
4. When to seek medical advice for cold sores?
Cold sores generally heal without any treatment. However, see your doctor if-
- You have a pre-existing health condition that has compromised your immune system.
- If the cold sores does not heal within 1-2 weeks.
- Symptoms are severe.
- You have frequent recurrences of cold sores.
5. What causes cold sores to flare up?
Cold sores can flare up because of exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold or other illness, a weak immune system, or even stress.
6. Why do I get cold sores when I’m sick?
Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus. Once the virus has entered the body, it can cause outbreaks. The outbreak gets triggered by a weak immune system or when someone has a cold or any illness.