
Cystitis - Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which doctor should I consult if I am suffering from cystitis?

One can consult a general practitioner or a urologist. However, in case of recurrent infections it is always advisable to see a urologist.

2. How to prevent cystitis?
  • Drink more fluids on a regular basis. Preferably at least 1.5 liters daily.
  • Passing urine shortly after sex is probably a good idea in women with recurrent cystitis.
  • In girls, it is important to confirm they use a hygienic approach to wiping themselves.
  • Use loose fitting cotton underwear.
  • Do not use perfumed soaps around the genital area. Prefer using neutral soaps in this area.

3. What are the complications of cystitis?

Complications of cystitis are:
  • Recurrent infections
  • Kidney infection
  • Acute kidney failure

4. What is the prognosis of cystitis?

Even though most cases are distressing, cystitis seldom causes any real danger to one’s health.

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