Delusions Types, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Delusions - Glossary


Paranoia - A thought process that is heavily influenced by anxiety or fear that extends to irrationality or delusions.

Schizophrenia - Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic condition and is a mental disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels or acts. It is characterized by abnormal social behavior and failure to realize what is real.

Depression - A state of low mood and withdrawal from activity affecting the person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and also sense of well-being.

Somatic - Pertaining to, or relating to, the body of a living being.

Grandiose - Extravagant presentation of self, conceived on a very grand scale.

Persecution - Consistent and systematic ill treatment or mistreatment of an individual or group of people by someone or a group of people.

Nihilistic - Pertaining to nihilism. Nihilism refers to extreme pessimism that condemns existence. The person with nihilistic tendencies believes in nothing, has no loyalties or purpose of existence.

Delusion - A belief that is held on rigidly despite evidence to the contrary.

Hallucination - Hallucination is a perception located in external objective space, but in the absence of external stimulus.

Delusional disorder - A psychiatric condition presenting with delusions only, in the absence of any thought or mood disorder or accompanying hallucinations.

Delirium - An acute state of confusion, caused by a decline from a previously well-functioning baseline level of cognitive function. Delirium is usually organic in origin.

Dementia - Brain diseases that causes a slow decrease in the ability to think and remember. Dementia changes the way the person thinks, remembers or pays attention to something
