Menarche: The time a girl attains puberty and gets her first menses.Vasoconstriction: Narrowing of blood vessels.
Adenomyosis: A benign condition of the uterus in which the mucous membrane lining the inside of the uterus, grows into the uterine musculature.
Fibroid: Benign tumors of the uterus that can occur in the lumen of the uterus or in the wall or project out on the surface.
Hormone: Chemical substance produced in an organ, which, carried to an associated organ by the blood stream, influences its functional activity.
PID: Inflammation or infection of the internal female genital organs.
Prostaglandins: A group of extremely active substances in the body that affect many organs. Certain prostaglandins have a role in stimulating the uterine contractions of labor and birth.
Intra uterine device: Contraceptive devices placed within the uterus, like copper T.