
Egg Donor Health Risk

Donor Health Risks

Several donor-related health risks are associated with egg donations which need to be considered seriously. Fatality has been reported and approximately 0.5-5% of those undergoing the procedure are known to suffer from side effects.

Some of the potential health risks associated with egg donation are mentioned below-

  • Some of the common side effects of the medications include
  1. Vaginal dryness
  2. Hot flashes
  3. Breast tenderness
  4. Sleep-related problems
  5. Body aches
  6. Fatigue
  7. Headache
  8. Vision-related issues
  9. Respiratory issues
  10. Mood swings
  11. In extreme cases-renal failure
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) is another by-product of the procedure. If it is mild, as in most cases, it goes away on its own. In a few rare cases OHSS may be severe and life threatening.
  • In some instances, all the mature eggs are not retrieved from the donor, while in others they may be released early. In such cases, unprotected intercourse may result in an unwanted pregnancy.
  • According to some studies, there is an increased risk of ovarian cancer among the donors.
  • Complications such as infection or bleeding may reduce the chances of pregnancy in the donor.

In people who suffer from such side effects, it is important to understand the factors that promote susceptibility in them.

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