Evaluating the Difference Between Postpartum Psychosis and Depression

Evaluating the Difference Between Postpartum Psychosis and Depression - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which specialist doctor to consult for postpartum disorders?

A: A psychiatrist or clinical psychologist can be consulted for postpartum disorders - namely psychosis and depression.


Q: Can Childbirth cause Mental illness?

A: Childbirth is more likely to trigger than cause mental illness in an individual who is already predisposed to such conditions. Genetic, early childhood, and other factors can act as predisposing factors.

Q: Who is at risk for postpartum psychosis?

A: Women who are young first-time mothers, with a personal or family history of postpartum psychosis, bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder, and/or sleep deprivation and traumatic birth experience, are at risk.

Q: Can you develop bipolar disorder after pregnancy?

A: Bipolar disorder can be developed after pregnancy. It is a serious condition that can have adverse consequences such as suicide, or the death of the baby.

Q: How long does postpartum bipolar last?

A: The duration of the episode depends on intervention and treatment. The onset of symptoms is within 2 months.

Q: Why have I become so angry after having a baby?

A: Anger following childbirth could be related to postpartum disorders such as postnatal depression or postpartum psychosis. These disorders tend to have an impact on mood.
