- Stye. - (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK459349/)
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Styes are usually caused due to lack of hygiene or rubbing of the eyes.
Hot fomentation should be applied two to three times a day. If it does not resolve it is drained surgically by an ophthalmologist, and generally under local anesthesia. The procedure consists of making a small incision on the outer surface of the eyelid or epilating an eyelash depending on where the stye is pointing. The pus is drained through the opening.

Prevention of Stye: Proper hand washing can not only reduce the risks of developing styes, but also all other types of infections. To prevent developing styes, it is recommended to never share cosmetics or cosmetic eye tools with other people. Women are recommended to remove makeup every night before going to sleep and discard old or contaminated eye makeup.