False Pregnancy | Pseudocyesis – Causes, Symptoms & Signs, Diagnosis, Treatment

False Pregnancy | Pseudocyesis - Glossary


Pheromones: A chemical produced by an animal that can change the behaviour of another animal of the same species. The behaviour change can be for sexual arousal. Pheromones also communicate to the other animal to back off, respect other’s territory, to follow a food trail, etc.

Corpus luteum: A latin word meaning “yellow body”. It refers to a temporary structure that releases hormones. It is essential for establishing and maintaining pregnancy in females. It secretes the hormone called progesterone.

Progesterone: The female hormone that is essential for the regulation of ovulation and menstruation.

Estrogen: Estrogen is a female sex hormone that is highly secreted during the reproduction cycle.

Somatic: Pertaining to the cells of the body. Somatic symptom of mental illness means that the body is presenting with physical symptoms according to the disease that the person believes he or she has.

Prolactin: It is a hormone that enables female mammals to produce milk.

Cortisol: A steroid hormone produced by the adrenal gland located on the kidneys. It is released as a response to stressful situation and low blood sugar levels.

Couvade syndrome: Comes from French word “couver”, meaning “to sit” (on eggs). Couvade syndrome refers to the unconscious behaviour in which the father-to-be actually believes that he is pregnant and going to give birth to a child. The patient shows somatic symptoms of pregnancy like morning sickness, bloating of the abdomen, etc.

Abdominal distension: A condition in which air or fluid accumulates in the abdomen. This causes the abdomen to protrude beyond its normal boundaries and increase in waist size.