
Ganglions - FAQs

Q: What happens after surgery?

A: After surgery, a splint should be worn for wrist ganglions for 10 days. The range of movement exercises must be started early either at home or with a therapist. Recovery time varies depending on the location of the ganglion.


Q: Which doctor do I need to consult?

A: You should consult an orthopaedic surgeon.

Q: What is a Ganglion Cyst?

A: Ganglion Cysts are benign lumps that might grow in the hand or wrist. They are usually formed from nearby joints or tendon sheaths.

Q: Is it necessary for a doctor''s evaluation for a small signs of lump?

A: It is better to take a doctor's opinion for any condition, which is not normal.

Q: What is the treatment for a Ganglion Cyst?

A: Treatment of ganglions generally varies from ignoring to conservative or surgical treatment of ganglions. They usually include removing fluid from the cyst with a needle, immobilizing the hand or wrist with a splint, or if necessary a surgery of the ganglions could be conducted.

Q: Can a wrist splint or brace be used?

A: Yes, it can be used on and off. It would help in restricting the movement of the joints, which in turn could reduce the fluid collected as swelling.

Q: Is it a must to undergo treatment for ganglions?

A: Ganglions are the most common benign soft-tissue lumps on the hands and wrists. Ganglions are usually painless and do not cause other symptoms. Many a times rest and reassurance that the ganglion is not serious condition is a treatment by itself. They may disappear without any treatment. Some times treatment of ganglions could become a necessity, as it might be cosmetically ugly.

Q: After surgery what is the probability that he cyst will reoccur?

A: The ganglions can reappear after treatment, after surgical treatment of ganglions their reappearance could be related the sac not having been fully visualised at surgery.









