
FAQs on Gonorrhea

Q: Which specialist should I see if I have gonorrhea?

A: You should consult a Venereologist. They are also called STD or Sexually Transmitted Disease specialists. If it involves the urinary tract or genital tract in women and then you would need to consult a urologist or a gynecologist.


Q: How can I protect myself against gonorrhea?

A: Latex condoms minimize the risk of acquiring gonorrhea. After contact, the exposed parts should be washed with soap and water, as soon as possible.

Q: Should my sexual partner also take treatment?

A: Yes, the partner should be screened and prophylactic treatment given.

Q: What are the Complications of Gonorrhea?

A: Complications in women may include -

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) - an ascending infection that spreads from the vagina and cervix to the uterus and fallopian tubes. PID can lead to sterility.
  • Infertility
Complications in both men and women may include -
  • Perihepatitis- infection around the liver
  • Arthritis
  • Skin lesions
  • Other organ infections

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