Hallucinations - Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis, Health Tips

Hallucinations - Glossary


Dissociative identity disorder: Previously known as multiple personality disorder or split personality. Characterized by the presence of at least two distinct and long-lasting identities or personalities in one (affected) person.

Schizophrenia: A mental disorder often characterized by failure to recognize what is real and living in the world of delusions and hallucinations.

Ekbom’s syndrome: A type of psychosis in which the person strongly believes that he is infested with parasites in his body. The person has tactile hallucinations of crawling insects and small animals.

Delirium: A state of acute confusion that shows a steep decline from a previously normal level of cognitive function. The cause is usually organic.

Dementia: Describes a wide range of symptoms that are associated with decline in cognitive functions such as memory and thinking skills.

Delirium tremens: An acute episode of delirium usually resulting from a sudden withdrawal from alcohol or drugs.

Phantom limb: After a limb (arm or leg) has been amputated (surgically removed), the person still feels its presence and its movement. The person sometimes even feels pain in the non-existent limb. This is called Phantom limb.

Entheogenic drugs: A chemical substance generally used in a religious or spiritual context that induces an altered state of consciousness.

Narcolepsy: A sleep disorder due to the brain’s inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles. The affected person is always sleep or may experience attacks of falling into deep sleep during daytime.

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