How can Cervical Spondylosis be Treated?
Analgesics and muscle relaxants are advised. In more severe cases the orthopedic doctor may suggest cortisone injections near the joints of the vertebral bodies to ease the swelling of the nerves and relieve pain.
The goal of physiotherapy treatment is to relieve pain and enhance movements of the neck.
Other Conservative Methods
- Shortwave Diathermy- A disc or heating pad is placed over the back of the neck. The warmth obtained from the shortwave diathermy current relaxes the muscle and the pain is relieved.
- Cervical Traction- Traction is a mechanical device, which supports the head and chin. It is used to relieve the nerve compression by a bone.
- Posture correction - Simple postural exercises can be taught to correct the faulty position of the neck. Motivation is given to maintain the erect posture.
- Use of collars- Two types of collars can be prescribed- soft collar is used during night times to prevent awkward position of the neck during sleep. Firm collar steadies the neck and relieves pain, especially during traveling or work. It is removed when the pain subsides.
Surgical Treatment
If the medical treatment and physiotherapy fails, and the condition is severe, where the nerves are affected, surgery may be required. Decompression of the nerve is done to relieve the nerve which is compressed by the bones and the disc.
Relaxation is essential part of treatment. Tension in neck and shoulder muscle, pain and anxiety are all relieved by relaxation.