
Treatment for Diabetes in Pets

Treatment for Diabetes in Pets

Pets with diabetes are treated with daily insulin injections along with a well-controlled diet.

Diabetes in pets is detected based on urine and blood tests. The urine shows the presence of glucose on testing. The blood tests show a high level of glucose in the blood. The dose of insulin required depends on the blood glucose levels and the body weight of the animal.

Diabetes in pets is treated with diet control and insulin injections. The pets should also be kept relatively active. Unlike in humans, oral medications are not available for the treatment of pet diabetes.

The diet of pets is relatively easy to control since pets eat only what they are fed. Foods rich in sugar should be avoided. Overweight pets should be put on a high fiber diet rich in complex carbohydrates to lose weight. On the other hand, thin animals should be fed a low-fiber diet. The total food intake should be divided into meals that are given at regular intervals.

Due to the lack of effect of oral diabetes medication in pets, there is no other option than to treat the pet with insulin injections. The veterinary doctor will advise you how to give the injection. The injection is usually administered just under loose skin once or twice daily. It is necessary to remain calm while injecting so that the pet is not scared away.

It is possible that your pet may not require insulin after some time. It is therefore necessary to monitor blood and urine glucose levels at regular intervals to ascertain the insulin requirement.









