How is Exomphalos Managed?
Exomphalos can be diagnosed prenatally with the help of regular
Exomphalos can be diagnosed prenatally with the help of regular ultrasound scans.
Other imaging techniques like MRI may be helpful as an adjunct to ultrasonography.
The doctor may also advise the patient to check serum alpha-fetoprotein levels, as these levels are generally raised in exomphalos.
Since exomphalos has been linked with chromosomal abnormalities, an amniocentesis is also ordered.
However, it is not always possible to detect exomphalos before the baby is born. If the exomphalos was not diagnosed prenatally, it can be easily diagnosed at birth.
A baby with an intact sac is usually medically stable.
The sac is covered with non-adherent gauze to reduce the heat and fluid loss. Fluid intake should be maintained intravenously.
Treatment options include
This replacement and surgical closure are usually achieved without much difficulty with small-to-moderate sized sacs. It is not be possible to close large exomphalos in one single operation and a staged repair is recommended.
Routine check-ups at the hospital are required to monitor the baby’s progress.