Q: Which doctor should I consult for excessive sweating?
A: A primary care physician or a dermatologist can assist in making the preliminary diagnosis. If the condition requires invasive treatment such as surgery, the individual will be referred to a surgeon.
Q: What is Frey’s syndrome?
A: Frey’s syndrome is a form of gustatory hyperhidrosis that occurs when hot or spicy foods are consumed. It occurs when the facial nerves are damaged with lesions in the salivary gland. The syndrome may also occur as a result of a tumor operation, or diabetes, or due to hereditary genetics.
Q: What is Harlequin syndrome?
A: Harlequin syndrome is another form of focal hyperhidrosis that results from damage to the sympathetic nervous system.
Q: What are the subjective tools to determine the severity of excessive sweating?
A: The Visual Analog Scale (VAS), the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS), and the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) are some of the tools to determine the severity of hyperhidrosis. The HDSS scale ranges from 1 to 4 with 4 being the best score in the reduction of hyperhidrosis after therapy.