
Illness Anxiety Disoder | Health Anxiety | Hypochondriasis - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for illness anxiety disorder?

A: A psychiatrist or a clinical psychologist should be consulted for illness anxiety disorder. Initially, the person is switching doctors based on the symptoms and the suspected disease. However, when the person is tested negative for the disease, he or she can consult a mental health professional to rule out the possibility of illness anxiety disorder. Alternatively, the primary care doctor may suspect the diagnosis and make an appropriate referral.


Q: How to cure anxiety?

A: Anxiety can be cured with counseling, anti-anxiety medication and cognitive behavioural therapy.

Q: Is anxiety disorder a mental illness?

A: Anxiety disorder has been classified as a mental illness as it causes emotional changes in the individual like fear, distress or discomfort and these emotions interfere with one’s ability to function optimally. These feelings are due to a false belief that a serious or fatally ill disease exists and is being ignored.

Q: How do I cope with severe hypochondriac episodes?

A: Once a person identifies that the concern about his or her health is an exaggeration, they can consult a mental health professional or clinical psychologist. Professional help includes education about illness anxiety disorder. The true nature of the symptoms of the disease is explained to the patient, so that he knows that he is misinterpreting his normal bodily functions as symptoms.

Q: How can I help my friend/relative if he is hypochondriac?

A: First of all, stop ignoring his symptoms or concerns about his health. Stop putting off saying “it’s all in your head”. Deal with them with empathy and compassion and reassure that whatever the problem, you are with him. Distraction or relaxation techniques can help the person feel less anxious about their health and more open to reassuring suggestions.

Q: Can illness anxiety disorder exist in children?

A: Yes. Pediatric hypochondriasis (“kids’ health anxiety”) is characterized by significantly higher rates of somatic symptoms like headache. Smaller children commonly complain of abdominal symptoms than the older children and adults. This disorder must be carefully handled during the young age so that it does not carry over to the adulthood.











