Heart failure is the leading cause of death in infective endocarditis.
Infective endocarditis is a fatal disease if left untreated. Heart failure is the leading cause of death in infective endocarditis. This is due to the damage caused to valves. 40-60% of autopsies reveal heart attack to be reason of death.
Local damage to the coverings of the heart (endocardium or myocardium) is a dreaded complication. Complications due to emboli (already described) are rarer in the antibiotic era.
Aggressive vegetations lead to perforations and fistula in the valves and walls of the heart.
Occlusion of vessels lead to infarction (death of tissues due to lack of blood supply) in vital organs like kidney, spleen and the brain
Seeding of bacteria from the site of infection to distant sites (metastasis) can occur. The bones may get infected, for example, leading to osteomyelitis.
The circulation of immune complexes may get deposited in the kidney. Immune mediated joint pain (arthritis) is not uncommon.