Q: Which specialist doctor treats Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
A: A Medical Gastro-enerologist generally treats the condition.
Q: Do certain foods cause IBS?
A: True food allergy being a cause of IBS is rare. Intolerance to certain food items can make patients feel worse. No single food group has been implicated as a cause of IBS. Foods such as wheat, yeast, nuts, eggs, and dairy products may, however may have an association with IBS.
Q: What about milk and milk products?
A: Milk and milk products trouble you only if you have lactose intolerance. In that case, symptoms of IBS may aggravate.
Q: Can stress cause IBS?
A: The exact cause of IBS is not known. But a stress free life can relieve the symptoms produced by IBS.
Q: Is there a specific medication that can cure IBS?
A: Unfortunately the answer is ‘NO’. Only symptomatic treatment is available.
Q: Will IBS persist throughout my life?
A: Lifelong symptoms occur. Symptoms come and go, sometimes with prolonged remissions.