Meconium Aspiration Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Complications, Treatment

Meconium Aspiration Syndrome - Glossary


Antenatal: It is the period before birth or during pregnancy.

Apgar score: It is a test to evaluate the physical condition of the new born right after birth. It is done twice: At one minute after birth and at 5 minutes after birth. In case a low score is noted, the test is repeated third time at 10 minutes after birth. It is calculated on the basis of five parameters. They are: Skin color, heart rate, reflexes, muscle tone and respiratory effort and rate.

Aspiration: Breathing in foreign objects or materials into the lungs is referred to as aspiration.

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: It is the abnormal development of the lung tissue.

Emphysema: It is a condition in which alveoli are damaged. This leads to reduction in the surface area of the lungs and inadequate oxygen supply to the body.

Intrapartum: During labor or delivery.

Intubation: Insertion of a flexible plastic tube into the trachea to maintain a open airway/ to administer drugs if required.

Mechanical ventilation: It is method to support mechanically or completely replace spontaneous respiration.

Meconium: It is the first stool of the new born, after birth. It consists of materials ingested during the time the baby spends in the uterus. Lanugo, intestinal epithelial cells, mucus, water, bile and amniotic fluid are the common components of meconium.

Mediastinum: It is the central region in the thoracic cavity which is surrounded by loose connective tissue.

Pneumomediastinum: It is a condition in which air is present in the mediastinum. Most commonly it is a result of trauma.

Pneumothorax: It is a condition in which air traps in the space around the lungs leading to collapse of the lung.

Seizures: Convulsions, thought disturbances and minor physical signs occurring as a result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain are termed as seizures.









