Frequently Asked Questions
1. Which doctor should I consult to prevent a miscarriage?You can consult a Gynecologist.
2. How do I know I had a miscarriage?
If you have mild to heavy bleeding, abdominal cramps, fever, chills or severe pain contact you doctor immediately. These could be the signs of a miscarriage.
3. Can I get pregnant after a miscarriage?
Yes. The chance of a successful pregnancy after a spontaneous miscarriage is very good.
4. How can I prevent a miscarriage in the future?
You can prevent miscarriages by-
- Seeking early prenatal care
- Avoid exposure to environmental hazards (like x-rays, drugs, smoking, alcohol, high levels of caffeine and infectious diseases).
- Contact your doctor for any signs of threatened abortion (bleeding or abdominal pain)
5. Does exercising or having sex cause miscarriage?
No. There are certain misconceptions that need to be clarified about abortion.
Remember the following are NOT the causes of abortion:
- Exercising
- Having sex
- Working
- Lifting heavy objects
- Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy even if severe, will not cause a miscarriage
- Finally, it is unlikely that a fall or a blow can cause an abortion. The fetus is unlikely to be harmed by an injury unless the injury is serious enough to threaten your own life.