Symptoms and Signs
MRSA infections is usually starts as a skin infections before it becomes life-threatening infection.

The first symptom of MRSA is usually a wound or a pus-oozing abscess. When the infection spreads to other body parts it could be life-threatening.
The following are the symptoms and signs of MRSA infection-
- Cellulites - Skin and sub-cutaneous tissues infection (fat and tissues below the skin) and usually the skin over the infection is red and the surface warm
- Boils – Pus involving the hair follicles
- Abscesses - pus under the skin
- Sty - infection of hair follicles of the eye
- Impetigo – Essentially a skin infection
- Carbuncles – Deeper infection including skin and has multiple sieve like openings on the skin
During an MRSA infection it is possible for the infection to spread to other body organs in the event of which they aggravate. They include -
- Endocarditis
- Necrotizing fasciitis
- Steomyelitis
- Sepsis
All the above infections are grave and life-threatening. When it involves other organs - fever, chills, low blood pressure, rash all over the body and a state of shock can result. These infections require urgent hospitalizations.