Q: Which doctor should I consult for Nipah virus infection?
A: If you notice any symptoms of NiV infection, you should immediately go to the ER of the nearest health facility and consult an Infectious disease doctor.
Q: Is Nipah virus infection fatal?
A: Not always. It depends on the severity of the infection.
Q: What is the mortality rate for Nipah virus?
A: The mortality rate for Nipah virus can range anywhere between 0% and 100%.
Q: Should I be worried about getting infected?
A: Yes. This stems from the fact that human-to-human transmission occurs rapidly and no specific antiviral agent or vaccine is currently available.
Q: How can I prevent Nipah infections from occurring in the first place?
A: Stay away from pig-sties and bat-infested areas. Don’t drink raw date palm sap. Practice standard hand-washing practices.