Prevention and Lifestyle Measures of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
The cause of NHL is not known but if healthy lifestyle measures are followed it may lessen the risk of getting the disease.
The causes for NHL, like other cancers, are not completely comprehensible. Except in the case of AIDS, the disease cannot entirely be prevented.
It is therefore imperative that healthy lifestyle measures, such as the following are followed-
- Consuming a balanced diet,
- Taking plenty of Vitamin C,
- Eating fresh carotene carrots
- Eating plenty of dark green vegetables
- Consuming citrus fruits
- Eating whole-grain breads and pasta
Other factors include
- Relieving stress,
- Exercising regularly and
- Abstaining from abusive practices such as smoking would also be benefiting.
A combination of all these factors would go a long, long way in restoring life's balance!