
Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Frequently Asked Questions

Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: If a person is suffering from severe snoring and choking episodes in sleep whom should he consult?

A: He can consult a general physician or an internist or a family physician or a sleep specialist.


Q: Can snoring always indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea?

A: There is an entity called primary snoring, where snoring is present without any evidence of obstruction. So snoring on its own does not always indicate the presence of obstructive sleep apnea.

Q: Does the therapy with CPAP vary according to the severity of OSA?

A: CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) forms the mainstay of therapy for OSA. The pressures for CPAP are titrated till the obstruction is overcome. So increased pressures are used to overcome severe obstructions.

Q: How effective is CPAP?

A: The effectiveness of CPAP depends on the patient's compliance. If adhered to strictly than symptoms and complications due to OSA disappear with CPAP therapy.

Q: If diagnosed with OSA do we have to continue with CPAP therapy lifelong?

A: The patient with OSA is re-evaluated with his own CPAP instrument to see for effective pressures. He will have to continue therapy as long as obstructive symptoms persist.

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