Oropharyngeal Cancer

Oropharyngeal Cancer - Freqeuntly Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for oropharyngeal cancer?

A: You should consult your primary physician when you begin to show symptoms of a persistent sore throat or unexplained weight loss. The physician will get an idea of the potential cause and will recommend additional tests to confirm the diagnosis.


Q: What are the benign conditions of the oropharynx?

A: Sometimes the cells of the oropharynx do not become malignant but they still undergo changes. Conditions, such as hemangioma or papilloma and thrush are benign conditions of the oropharynx.

Q: How is oropharyngeal cancer staged?

A: Oropharyngeal cancer is classified into TNM stages I-IV with I being early grade and IV advanced.

Q: What are the genetic diseases that predispose you to oropharyngeal cancer or other head and neck cancers?

A: Congenital dyskeratosis and Fanconi anemia are 2 conditions that predispose you to oropharyngeal cancer or other head and neck cancers.

Q: Will I get throat cancer if I eat outside?

A: Throat cancer develops because of lifestyle habits and diet that is poor in vegetables and fruits. If the diet is well-balanced, you will have less chances of getting oropharyngeal cancer.

Q: Can you cure oropharyngeal cancer?

A: If oropharyngeal cancer is in its early stage (T0, T1, & T2), the survival rate is much better than in those who are in the advanced stages (T3 & T4).
