Idiopathic - Unknown causeHyper-Thyroidism - Over secretion of Thyroxin hormone from Thyroid glands
Obesity - Over weight
Occupational Strain - Discomfort arising from occupation
Crepitus - Abnormal sound heard on movement of a joint
Osteophyte - Abnormal bony outgrowths in the surface of osteoarthritic joint
NSAIDs - Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory drugs prescribed to resolve inflammation
Hydrocortisone - Steroid injection injected into joints
Replacement Arthroplasty - Surgical method of removing and replacing a joint or bone
Osteotomy - surgical method of cutting and removing affected bone
Short Wave Diathermy - Short wave diathermy is a device used in physiotherapy, where the heat obtained from short wave diathermic current is used to relieve pain and muscle tension
Wax Bath - Wax bath uses paraffin wax to relieve joint pain and stiffness in physiotherapy
Splint - Splints are devices, which supports and maintains the structures in corrected position.