What is Osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is one of the commonest joint disorders and occurs as we age due to wear and tear of a joint.

In osteoarthritis, the cartilage in the joints is broken down. Healthy cartilage absorbs the shock of movement and prevents friction between bones; when this cartilage is lost, the bones rub together during movement. Over a period of time, this rubbing can permanently damage the joint.
Osteoarthritis can affect any joint of the body but it usually affects the weight-bearing joints i.e. hips and knees. Non-weight bearing joints like the shoulder, elbow, finger and ankle are less commonly affected by osteoarthritis.
Although osteoarthritis is more common in the elderly, it can also be seen in young people due to an abnormal wear and tear in joint structures following fracture, repeated dislocation of the joint, infections, obesity or hyperthyroidism.
Osteoarthritis causes pain, swelling and reduced motion in the affected joints.
Osteoarthritis cannot be cured. However, the pain can be managed and the joint function can be improved with the help of painkiller medicines, exercise, weight control, alternative therapies and surgery.