
Ovulation Pregnancy and Contraception

Ovulation Calendar

The ovulation calendar helps to calculate the time of ovulation.

Since the time around ovulation is the most fertile period, some women would be interested to know how to calculate this time so that they can plan their pregnancy. These include women who want to get pregnant, as well as those women who want to avoid pregnancy without the use of contraceptives. It is possible to predict the time of ovulation with some accuracy using an ovulation calendar or calculator.

The ovulation calendar and calculator calculate the date of ovulation based on certain inputs from the woman. For example, it asks for information like the duration of the menstrual cycle, date of last menses etc. Since other changes like changes in the cervical mucosa and basal body temperature also correspond to the period of ovulation, some calendars ask to enter this data as well.

Ovulation Calendar

The ovulation calendar and calculator are most accurate in women who have regular periods. The dates given by these methods should be taken as approximate and cannot be taken as foolproof methods to determine the exact ovulation date.

An example of an ovulation calculator is provided at the link below:

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