Q: Which doctor should I consult for Peyronie’s Disease?
A: You can consult an Andrologist or a Urologist for Peyronie’s Disease.
Q: Will I regain the former length of my penis?
A: Shortening of the penis due to loss of elasticity does commonly occur but is dependent on direction and degree of curvature. The treatment is usually based on giving a functional penis with enough rigidity for an intercourse.
Q: My erections have become weaker with Peyronie’s Disease; will they improve after surgery?
A: The surgery to correct the curvature will not improve the rigidity of the erections. Erectile dysfunction can be treated separately.
Q: Does Peyronie''s disease turn into cancer?
A: Cells obtained from Peyronie's plaques have shown similar characteristics to cancer cells, such as apoptosis, the ability to resist a process of programmed cell death. Though the cells formed tumors when transplanted into mice, there are no such cases in humans.
Q: How do I know if I have Peyronie''s Disease and not congenital curvature?
A: Congenital Curvature means that you are born with the condition while Peyronie's disease is acquired as the result of a penis injury. However, is is better to consult a doctor for a formal diagnosis.