Q: Which doctor should I consult to rule out pneumonitis?
A: You must consult a chest physician.
Q: Are pneumonitis and pneumonia the same condition?
A: Pneumonitis refers to inflammation of lung tissue. Pneumonia which is lung infection is a type of pneumonitis since the infection is associated with inflammation. However most doctors use the term pneumonitis to refer to non-infective causes of lung inflammation.
Q: Can hypersensitivity pneumonitis be cured?
A: Hypersensitivity is due to an allergic reaction to a foreign substance or allergen. If the condition is diagnosed and treated with avoidance of exposure to allergen in future, the condition can be reversed.
Q: Can pneumonitis be fatal?
A: Usually pneumonitis is a chronic condition caused by exposure to a lung irritant over a long period. Rarely sudden massive exposure to a chemical or allergen may trigger acute pneumonitis with respiratory failure and death.
Q: What are home remedies for pneumonitis?
A: There are no specific home remedies. If you have known allergies, you have to avoid the allergen by wearing a mask while dusting or cleaning and protect yourself when going out. Practising breathing exercises at home may help to improve lung function.