Q: Which doctor should be consulted if I have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary disease?
A: You should consult and be under the care of a gynecologist
Q: Can I have Pain with Polycystic ovary disease?
A: No, usually as there is no ovulation there is seldom pain. The pain if it occurs is usually due to any other associated problem. Mid-cycle pain is absent in this condition.
Q: What are my chances of risks of developing diabetes if I have polycystic ovary disease?
A: It is estimated that 30% of women with polycystic ovary disease have pre-diabetes, and over 7% have diabetes. Almost 50% to 70% of women with PCOS also have insulin resistance.
Q: Which regions of my body would have excessive hair growth?
A: Women with PCOS have extra hair growing in the sideburn area of their face and on their chin, upper lip, nipple area, chest, lower abdomen and thighs.
They may also get associated acne and about half are obese.
Q: How long does it take for excess hair to go away after I start the treatment?
A: Hirsutism can take six months to a year to start diminishing or disappearing after starting treatment.
Q: How long does it take for acne to go away after I start the treatment?
A: Acne usually clears up within a few weeks after starting treatment.
Q: Can I have polycystic ovary disease without any external signs or symptoms?
A: Yes some women with polycystic ovary disease have no signs of it. If you are not becoming pregnant this condition needs to be excluded.
Q: Is there any genetic co-relation to polycystic ovary disease?
A: No one knows the exact cause of PCOS. Women with PCOS frequently have a mother or sister with PCOS. There may hence be an association.
PCOS that is associated with male pattern baldness is probably inherited as an autosomal dominant trait, i.e., one half of the female offspring of a woman carrying this gene will have PCOS.
Q: If I get pregnant should my tablets be changed?
A: One must remember that if you are on Metformin you should not try and become pregnant as these insulin sensitizing drugs effect on a developing fetus are not known. So usually these drugs are given with other birth control methods.
If pregnancy is desired these drugs should be stopped and hormone based drugs should be used. However, with clomiphene one must remember there are some chances of a multiple pregnancy