
Pregnancy and Complications - Minor Complications

Minor Complications

Frequency of urination, varicose veins, piles are common during pregnancy and usually reduce after delivery.


Heart burn and reflux esophagitis are frequent especially in the last month or two before delivery. The hormone supporting the pregnancy causes a relaxation of the pinch-cock or muscle that prevents food from the stomach from going back to the food pipe. This condition is called reflux esophagitis and gives rise to leakage of the acid from the stomach into the lower portion of the food pipe causing a sensation of heartburn. Taking small frequent meals is helpful in combating this problem. If it is very severe, medicines can be taken on the advice of the doctor.

Sleeplessness or Insomnia:

Sleeplessness is also common at or near term. This situation can be remedied by having a light meal before going to bed, getting sufficient exercise during the day.

Back Pain:

Back pain is almost universal for any woman going through pregnancy. Proper posture, footwear and regular exercises during and after pregnancy can help to reduce your discomfort. Always consult the doctor before undertaking any exercises. Relaxation exercises also help in tiding over the situation.

Vaginal Infection:

Vaginal infection, itching is also experienced by many. The hormonal changes during pregnancy make the woman prone for infections, more so when the woman is a diabetic. Vaginal tablets can be used to control the infection. Control of blood sugar is essential to prevent repeated infections. One should not hesitate to talk to the doctor when faced with this problem.


Pigment changes in the Skin:

Darkening of the skin and itching of the skin are also possible. This again is an effect of the pregnancy sustaining hormones. The discoloration of the skin may be distributed over areas such as the face, the areola and nipple of the breast, the abdominal wall and so on. Stretching of the skin over the abdominal wall can cause itching which can be reduced by applying almond oil, or vitamin e enriched creams. And to avoid any oils / creams which have perfume...


Fatigue and breathlessness are quite common. It could be due to the mechanical effect of the enlarging baby pressing on the mother’s diaphragm and compressing the lungs of the mother. However, anemia must be sought for and if present requires treatment.

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