
Progeria - An Indian Story

An Indian Story

The family of Bisul Khan and Razia Khatooon living in Bihar India, had seven children – five of them with progeria. Three of the couple’s affected daughters are dead. Two of his progeric sons are alive, aged 23 and 22 (medical ages 70 and 66). The couple, also have two normal children.

Rural Bihar, with all its backwardness, is hardly a place for Khan’s special family. They were considered a bad omen and were ostracized.

It is not common for a family to have more than one child with progeria. Bisul Khan’s is the only family in the world with 5 cases of this dreadful condition.

A documentary titled “The 80 Year Old Children” was made in 2005, based on the real-life story of Bisul Khan’s special family.
