General Info About Ptosis
Ptosis is the abnormal drooping of the upper eyelid to a level such that it covers part of the eye, restricting or obscuring vision. It is also called as ‘drooping eyelid’ or ‘blepharoptosis’.
It can affect one or both eyes.

Ptosis is caused by weakness of the muscles responsible for raising the eyelid, damage to the nerves that control the eye muscles, or looseness of the skin of the upper eyelids.
Types of ptosis
- Congenital ptosis- Present since birth
- Acquired ptosis- Occurs after birth and is due to secondary conditions like tumors, injury or old age.
Drooping of one or both the eyelids is the primary symptom of ptosis. It also leads to excessive tearing. If ptosis is severe, it leads to interference with the vision.
Ptosis does not usually improve with time, and nearly always requires corrective surgery and if left untreated, can permanently damage vision by forcing the unaffected eye to do all the work while letting the affected eye degenerate.