Conventional treatment is by antacids
- Which neutralise the gastric acid and reduce the inflammation like
1. Antacids like. (Gelusil)
However, many people require stronger medications if symptoms are confirmed yet not relived in 4 weeks
- Acid suppressants, such as histamine H2-antagonists (blockers), histamine is a chemical released in the body under many different conditions.
- In the stomach it can release more acid, so blocking histamine's action reduces acid production. Like
- Ranitidine
- Tagmet
- Proton-pump inhibitors also work on the cells in the stomach wall, which make acid, to reduce the amount of acid produced and released into the stomach chamber like
- Omeparozol
- Lansoprezole
- Other medicines (called pro-kinetic agents) increase the movement of the stomach.
- They work by increasing the pressure of the lower oesophageal sphincter (the point where the oesophagus joins the stomach) and promote emptying of the stomach like
- Metaclopramide
- Cisapride
Most people may expect good, though often not complete, relief of symptoms on one or more of these medications.