
Sex Addiction - Symptoms


The amount of time spent on sexual or sex-related activities, including fantasies, decides if a person has a healthy sexual appetite or has crossed the line to become an addict.

According to Patrick Carnes, director of the sexual-addiction program at Pine Grove where Tiger Woods is being treated, "If you're spending over 14 hours a week doing something sexual or quasi-sexual, like cruising the internet for porn or cruising the streets looking for a particular type of prostitute, you're in the addictiverange."

The individual tends to exhibit obsessive compulsive behavior that is often completely against societal norms. However, there is a disregard for outside reactions and the person is quite blatant in his approach. It must be noted that there is no emotional growth in any relationship as the individual is focused only on the ecstasy that sex can offer.

Other common symptoms include -

  • Intense, compulsive or uncontrollable sexual impulses
  • Multiple sex partners
  • Sex with anonymous partners or with prostitutes
  • Watching /stocking excessive pornography either at work place or home
  • Exhibitionism
  • Feel in control during sex, and depressed afterwards
  • Fixation on someone who is unattainable
  • Regular participation in cyber sex or explicit phone services
  • Demand sex from partner without taking into regard time or situation
  • Engage in risky sexual behavior such as sadistic or masochistic sex, despite serious consequences
  • Excessive masturbation
  • No display of intimacy during or after sex
  • No emotional involvement in any relationship

Sex addiction cannot be cured by treating the symptoms because the root cause is far, far deeper!
