The aim of therapy for
A. Idiopathic hypersomnia
As the cause of idiopathic hypersomnia remains unknown, the treatment remains symptomatic in nature.
- Behavioral therapy and sleep hygiene measures are recommended, although they have little overall positive impact on this disease.
- Medications that have been used in the treatment of this disorder include Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCAs), Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors (MAOIs). The only medications that have brought partial and often intermittent relief are the stimulant drugs.
- Methylphenidate, and Dextroamphetamine are the most commonly prescribed medications.
- Recently, a new compound, Modafinil was shown to produce good results in patients with idiopathic hypersomnia. Its mechanism of action remains unclear.
Therapy for idiopathic hypersomnia involves maintaining the patient on a daily use of stimulant drugs. The drug dose is titrated so that the patient stays alert during the daytime.
B. Kleine-Levin Syndrome
In the absence of a set treatment for Kleine-Levin Syndrome, stimulants like amphetamines and modafinil are administered orally to alleviate symptoms. Owing to its resemblance to some of the mood disorders, treatment also employs the use of medicines like lithium and carbamazepine, commonly used to treat mood disorders.
C.Menstrual-Related Hypersomnia
The cyclic re-occurrence of sleepiness during the premenstrual period in teenaged girls may be controlled with the help of Hormonal therapy.