
Diagnosis and Treatment of Sprained Ankle

Diagnosis and Treatment of Sprained Ankle

Physical examination and imaging tests help in the diagnosis of ankle sprains and in determining the degree of soft tissue and bone damage.

During the physical examination, your doctor will move your joints in different ways and check for tenderness, range of motion and levels of pain. Your doctor may ask you questions regarding the manner in which you acquired the injury and will also check your body for other injuries, if any.

In case of severe damage, imaging scans may be recommended to assess the degree of soft tissue damage or to rule out a broken bone. They include -

  • X-ray - to help evaluate broken bones, if any
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) - To produce detailed images of soft tissue injuries.
  • CT scan - CT scans done from various angles can reveal intricate details of the joint bones.

Sprained Ankle Treatments

Treatment for a sprained ankle is administered after medical evaluation to rule out fractures.

Treatment for a sprained ankle is administered depending on the severity of the injury. It is always better to medically evaluate the sprain to rule out fractures and prevent future complications. Quite often, an ankle sprain is treated at home using simple measures.

Immediate self-care measure for an ankle sprain involves the R.I.C.E. method :

  • Rest. Avoid all activities that may cause pain, swelling or discomfort. Try to wear an orthopedic walking boot for two weeks and walk using crutches if required, at least for the first week after injury
  • Ice. Use an ice pack immediately after the injury for 15 to 20 minutes every two to three hours, while awake, for 2-3 days. In case you have a vascular disease or diabetes, consult your doctor before applying ice.
  • Compression. Compress the ankle using an elastic bandage to help control swelling. Don''t wrap too tightly in order to allow circulation
  • Elevation. Elevate your ankle above the level of your heart, to help drain excess fluid and reduce swelling on the ankle. This must be done especially at night.

Sometimes you may be advised to wear a protective device for the ankle, such as ankle brace, and take pain relief medications such as NSAID, to control pain and swelling. Once the swelling subsides, a physiotherapist can help restore your ankle''s range of motion, flexibility and strength through balance and stability training and other exercises.

If your ankle joint is unstable despite initial care and treatment, surgery might be advised, especially if a ligament tear is present.

Once your basic treatment is over, you may have to do strengthening and stretching exercises to prevent sprains or injury from occurring again.

  • Flexibility exercises - The best exercises to increase flexibility are the towel stretch and writing alphabets with toes exercise. Both these help to increase range of motion
  • Strengthening exercises - Walking on toes will help to strengthen the ankle and also the muscles around the swollen ankle area.
  • Balance exercises - These involve using a devise such as the wobble board to help maintain balance.
  • Agility exercises such as squat jumps and power skipping can be done but these should not be attempted unless the injury is totally healed

Methods to prevent ankle injury include:

  • Proper warm-up prior to stretching and other activities
  • Run / walk on levelled surfaces
  • Use shoes with adequate heel support
  • Avoid shoes with narrow based heels
  • Avoid unfamiliar sports to which you are not conditioned
  • Maintain optimum muscle strength and flexibility.
  • Practice stability training











