Superior Canal Dehiscence

Superior Canal Dehiscence - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for superior canal dehiscence?

A: You should consult your family physician who will direct you to an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist (Otorhinolaryngologist) based on the diagnosis.


Q: Do people die from superior canal dehiscence?

A: Superior canal dehiscence can be treated and is not fatal.

Q: What is unilateral and bilateral superior canal dehiscence?

A: Unilateral SCD affects one ear while bilateral SCD affects both ears.

Q: What are the conditions that have similar symptoms to superior canal dehiscence?

A: Posterior canal dehiscence, cochlea carotid fistula, collapsing canals, lateral canal dehiscence are some of the conditions that have symptoms similar to SCD and may confuse the diagnosis.
