
Syndrome X Detection

Syndrome X Detection

According to the Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) study, people can disrupt the path to type 2 diabetes by implementing lifestyle changes.

Impaired blood insulin levels, erratic lipid profile, high blood pressure and increasing weight together form the determinants of syndrome X. Random weight gain with or without any conscious change in the lifestyle is the most alarming parameter. Significant weight gain is typically due to the development of insulin resistance.

In contrast to fasting or post prandial blood sugar measurement which indicates only the patient’s sugar control at that particular moment, HbA1c reveals the amount of sugar found in the red blood cells. Since the red blood cells remain in the body for approximately 140 days, the test is the best indicator of sugar control over a period of time. The normal range of HbA1c is 3.5 to 5.7.

The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was one of the landmark studies conducted in recent times, highlighting the importance of lifestyle changes in diabetes prevention. It was a major multicenter clinical research study aimed at discovering whether modest weight loss through dietary changes and increased physical activity could prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in participants. At the beginning of the DPP, participants were all overweight and had blood glucose levels higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes.

The study showed that if people with pre diabetes lost at least 5 to 7 percent from their starting body weight and if they were active about 30 minutes five times a week, their risk of developing type 2 diabetes reduced nearly by 60 percent.

In addition to lower blood sugar levels, people in the study experienced a lower blood pressure, improved lipid levels, and reduction in the use of prescription medicines to control these conditions.


Maintaining Healthful targets

Being or striving to be within the range for various indicators of Syndrome X is most important.

The Recommended Targets are as follows:

WEIGHTBody mass index between 19 and 25
WAIST CIRCUMFERENCEMen- less than 40 inches; Women-less than 35 inches
LDL CHOLESTEROLLess than 100mg/dl
HDL CHOLESTEROLGreater than 60mg/dl
TOTAL CHOLESTEROLLess than 200mg/dl
TRIGLYCERIDESLess than 150mg/dl
BLOOD PRESSURELess than 120/80 mmHg
BLOOD GLUCOSELess than 100mg/dl
PHYSICAL ACTIVITYAtleast 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days

Source: American Diabetes Association.
