Dental Caries: A destructive process causing decalcification of the tooth enamel and leading to continued destruction of enamel and dentine, and cavitation of the tooth.Fluoride: Element found in nature that helps prevent tooth decay.
Gums: Translucent substances without form. Usually a decomposition product of cellulose. Gums dissolve in water.
Gingivitis: Inflammation of the gums surrounding teeth. Signs of gingivitis are inflamed and bleeding gums.
Pediatrician: A doctor who treats children.
Pain: An unpleasant sensation that can range from mild localized discomfort to agony. Pain has both physical and emotional components.
Plaque: Thin layer of food debris and bacteria, which covers the tooth surface.
Temperature: The temperature is the specific degree of hotness or coldness of the body. It is usually measured with a thermometer.