temporomandibular joint disorders

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which specialist should be consulted for pain and difficulty in moving the jaw?

A: You should consult a dentist. If necessary, he may refer you to an oro-maxillofacial surgeon for further management.


Q: What is lockjaw?

A: Stiffness or pain in the jaw that prevents the wide opening of the mouth from opening is referred to as lockjaw.

Q: Where is the TMJ located?

A: The TMJ is located just in front of the ear. It connects the lower jaw to the skull and permits opening and closing of the mouth, and side-to-side as well as forward and backward movement of the jaw.

Q: Is a TMJ disorder a serious condition?

A: A TMJ disorder is usually not a serious condition, although it can cause severe discomfort.

Q: How does a whiplash injury cause TMJ dysfunction?

A: A whiplash injury occurs in car accidents involving rear end collision. The head and jaw of the person is suddenly displaced backwards and then forwards in a matter of seconds due to the impact. Depending on the force of collision, the jaw may be subject to great pressure and forced open. This whipping motion can cause severe TMJ damage and dysfunction.

Q: Can TMJ disorders be cured?

A: In most cases, the symptoms are caused by a reversible condition. Usually, these either subside with time or can be treated by conservative measures and pain medications. Rarely, surgical treatment may be indicated

Q: How does a custom fitting oral appliance help in TMJ disorder?

A: A custom fitting repositioning appliance made of plastic is customized to the needs and measurements of the patient and worn over the teeth. It prevents grinding of teeth at night..

Q: What are some of the other forms of non-surgical treatment available for TMJ disorders?


  • Orthodontics treatment to change the bite
  • Grinding down teeth (occlusal adjustment)
  • Mandibular repositioning splint (MORA)
  • Botox or hyaluronan injections
Before deciding to undergo some of the above procedures, it is better to get a second or third opinion as some of them are irreversible. They may actually make the problem worse.

Q: Is TMJ implant surgery effective in TMJ disorders?

A: In TMJ implant surgery, the joint is replaced with artificial joint implants. Again, the efficacy of this procedure is not proven.











