
Tibial Plateau / Bumper Fracture - Glossary


Fracture: A fracture is a break in the bone or cartilage. Fractures are also named by the trauma event that caused the bone breakage.

Arthritis: A disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints

Joint: The point of juncture between two or more bones where movement occurs.

X-rays: High-energy radiation with waves shorter than those of visible light. X-rays possess the properties of penetrating most substances (to varying extents), of acting on a photographic film or plate (permitting radiography), and of causing a fluorescent screen to give off light (permitting fluoroscopy). In low doses, X-rays are used for making images that help to diagnose disease, and in high doses to treat cancer. Formerly called a Roentgen ray.

CT: This is a X- ray procedure enhanced by computer the results are three dimensioned scan through a body part showing bone and body tissue.

MRI: A painless method using magnetic fields for taking pictures of internal organs.

Surgery: A procedure to remove or repair a part of the body or to find out whether disease is present.

Osteoporosis: A disease in which bones become thin, weak and are easily fractured.

Ligaments: Fibrous, slightly elastic band of tissue which connects the ends of bones and prevents excessive movement of the joint, or holds organs in place.

Meniscus: A crescentic cartilage (gristle) lying on either side (medial and lateral) of the upper end of the tibia (shin bone), cushioning the joint with the femur (thigh bone).

Cartilage: A type of connective tissue that contains cells (chondrocytes) surrounded by a tough but flexible matrix. The cartilage matrix is made of several types of the protein collagen and several types of proteoglycans, which are combinations of protein and long sugar molecules called glycosaminoglycans. Chondroitin sulfate is the major glycosaminoglycan in cartilage.

Pain: An unpleasant sensation that can range from mild localized discomfort to agony. Pain has both physical and emotional components.

Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy is a treatment where, it restores, maintains and promotes the overall fitness and health.









