
Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Therapy for a child with cerebral palsy is a long-term plan, involving parents, caregivers, school teachers and qualified professionals.

Cerebral palsy is a permanent condition and cannot be fully cured. Managing the symptoms and maximizing the use of the physical and intellectual capabilities of the child must be the goal of the treatment program for a child with cerebral palsy. An interdisciplinary team of qualified medical and paramedical professionals are involved in the therapy program, which is continuous and long-term. The pediatrician, a mental health practitioner, an orthopedic surgeon, physical therapist, speech therapist and occupational therapist are the contributors to the therapy program. Parents and teachers work in coordination with the professional team.

Cerebral Palsy Occupational Therapy

Significant impairment of the child can also give rise to emotional and social problems, which may call for a psychological intervention also.

Specific treatment plans in a child with cerebral palsy is based on the different problematic areas in the child. Medications for seizures and spasticity are given for the affected child. Corrective surgeries may be required for eye muscle control, spasticity, seizure control, scoliosis (curvature of spine) and some other disorders in some children.
